
I’ve always been connected to the beauty, mystery, and magic of this life.

In my work as a multidimensional guide, I help souls remember who they are - so they can walk with grace, ease, and remembrance of the beauty and divinity that has always been within.

My own life has offered me the greatest curriculum to awaken and embody the wisdom from which I teach. As a mystic on the path, life has served me many initiations of which I’ve walked through to become the woman I am today.

In 2012, I had a profound awakening in which I saw beyond the veil and became aware of the immense power we hold as divine beings to choose and create with our beliefs, energy, and intentions.

From this point on, my intuitive and healing abilities were powerfully activated and my life became a walking devotion in service to others — helping them move from victim to creator, and from perceived limitations to boundless freedom and expression.

Through my deep studies of the healing arts for the past decade, I have developed a unique methodology in my work with clients. Whether through energy healing, hypnotherapy, frequency work, subconscious belief work, vocal activation, or intuitive coaching — immense alchemy happens on all levels of being.

It is my greatest honor to help others purify from what is not real (illusion) so that they can connect to their deepest Truth, power, and joy.

You are not here to live a life of difficulty and struggle. As a cycle-breaker, you are here to thrive, release the unfree patterns held within your DNA, and let go of the fear-based energies that are keeping you from a more liberated life. You are free, you are free, you are free — and I will hold a mirror up to you, to help you remember.